Office, Hospital, and Hotel Ice Machines


For many businesses, ice is an absolute necessity and while things have certainly changed since the onset of COVID-19 earlier this year, the demand for ice and ice machines  has not changed.

Commercial Ice Machines in Kansas City, Overland Park and St Joseph

At Capital Equipment, we have been helping Kansas City area businesses get through these past few months by providing even more cleaning, maintenance and sanitizing of commercial ice machines and ice equipment while also helping them replace, upgrade and/or add new ice machines for their customers and staff.


Ice Machines For Offices in Kansas City

Many offices are slowly starting to reopen and the need for providing ice and quality drinking water is increasing. At Capital Equipment, our representatives consult directly with business owners and office managers to determine what the best options are as it pertains to installing and maintaining  ice machines and/or ice and water combo machines. We want to gain in understanding of how many people on average are in the office, how many days a week is that office open and are there any changes in the number of personal on the horizon so that we can make recommendation on commercial ice machines that can adjust for company growth.



Commercial Ice Machines For Hospitals

Because ice is essential in the health care industry for uses such as reducing swelling or even keeping patients hydrated it goes without saying that hospitals cannot go without it. Capital Equipment works with many hospitals and health car facilities to help make sure their patients and staff have ice when they need it most. We also understand that any commercial ice machines in a health care environment will need to be cleaned and maintained regularly in order to maintain a hospitals’ strict hygiene status and our service department customizes our maintenance schedules and procedures to align with the health care facilities’ guidelines we work with we work with.


Commercial Ice Machines For Hotels

Just like most businesses that were shut down earlier this year due to COVID-19, hotels are slowly beginning to reopen and welcome back guests in the Kansas City area which means ice machines will be in high demand. The difference with hotel ice machines is that often times get more use depending on the number guests staying overnight which means they need to be ready to dispense an enormous amount of ice on any given day. Capital Equipment works directly with hotel managers to determine the most efficient commercial ice machines to install for their guest to make sure that their ice bins are never empty even on the busiest of nights. We also provide routine maintenance and cleaning as ice machines are a highly touched area in a hotels and in the age of COVID-19 need to be cleaned and sanitized more regularly.


At Capital Equipment, we work with all types of business and organizations in and around the greater Kansas City area to make sure they have reliable commercial ice machines that deliver clean, clear ice. We are locally owned, operated and completely licensed and insured so you can rest assured that you and your ice machines are in professional hands. Call Capital Equipment for all of your ice and ice equipment needs at (913) 683-8972 or CLICK HERE TO FOR OUR ONLINE CONTACT FORM.

Call Capital Equipment today at (913) 683-8972  for all of your commercial ice machine and ice equipment needs in the greater Kansas City area.


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